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Courtesy of Adros! (adros_88948) Courtesy of Adros! (adros_88948)

"So I just watched the vod of the last fanart showcase and decided to do my own Joe fanart, an iteration on the "handheld console graveyard" fanart by @Daxtear with a weeb twist"

I gazed into the distance, mind dark and empty as the void overhead. I had no memory of how I got there, no memory of when or where I even was. Amnesia. If I wasn't so unnerved by my surroundings, I might have laughed at how cliche my situation was. Though my circumstances were a complete mystery, I could still remember who I was. How convenient.

My name is Joseph Anderson. I'm a weeb streamer.

Scanning my surroundings, I found a scrap of paper at my feet. It depicted a field of snapped electronics, planted in the ground. Mementos of better times, cut short. A Red Presence loomed overhead, silent. I felt as though it was staring at me through the page, somehow aware that I was viewing it. Was it watching me? Judging me? Did it bring me here?

It was then that I realized something - or rather, that I realized I hadn't realized anything at all. These words echoing in my skull, using my voice - they weren't my own. That overblown flair. That undying commitment to the bit. There was no way it was a coincidence. The narrator was Jelly.

Reeling, Anderson's mind settled on the only conclusion it could. He was in a JanArt showcase... and it had only just begun.

Originally seen at Not Only Was It Alan (28th October 2023)

A hat trick, courtesy of Daxtear! (daxtear) A hat trick, courtesy of Daxtear! (daxtear)

"the mental image was too funny not to draw it"

Ah yes, the REAL indie farming sim: hardware repairs.
You know who else cultivates a rich lifestyle through hard work, dedication, and technological manipulation? Our lovely fanartists! Thank you, as always, for you endless skill and creativity. This is it until uh... some Alan guy Wakes up for something? A little late to bring back Persona 4 stream memes, but who am I to judge the Dragon...

Originally seen at Last Fanart Before the Gigapause (26th September 2023)